In 2002, Falicia Blakely, a 19-year-old from Atlanta, alongside her assistant Ameshia Ervin, went on a 24 hour wrongdoing binge on the sets of her sweetheart, later recognized as a more seasoned man named Michael Berry. They killed three men, Raymond Goodwin, Claudel Christmas, and Lemetrius Twitty, while ransacking different drive-through joints across the city.
The pair were captured following seven days in length run and at last conceded to different charges, including murder and outfitted burglary. Blakely was given three life sentences without the chance of parole, while her associate Ervin took a request arrangement to affirm against the previous in return for sequential sentences with the chance of parole.
Snapped on Oxygen is set to return to the wrongdoings of Falicia Blakely from twenty years prior, in an episode named Falicia Blakely. The outline states:
“After three Atlanta men are gunned down in the range of three days, investigators associate the homicides to two colorful artists; realizing just their stage names, examiners competition to track down the ladies and uncover the rationale behind this staggering wrongdoing spree.”Falicia Blakely’s disturbed early life, a significant move to Atlanta, and a ruthless wrongdoing binge
Born and brought up in Jacksonville, Florida, to a single parent, Falicia Blakely had a to some degree troublesome youth. Her dad didn’t assume a functioning part in her life and her mom was engrossed with everything except the prosperity of her own little girl. Falicia would frequently invest energy with her grandma in New York.
She migrated to Atlanta with her mom when she was 15 or 16 years of age. There, she began functioning as an extraordinary artist, exited secondary school, and moved out after she started bringing in adequate cash. By then, she likewise had her very own offspring.
She before long met a more established man, later recognized as Michael Berry. Berry had been in and out of jail a few times, however professed to cherish Falicia Blakely, in any event, helping her help her youngster.
In August 2002, Blakely, who was just 19 at that point, serious three killings with her assistant Ameshia Ervin. On August 15, Blakely and Ervin looted and killed 35-year-old Claudell Christmas and his companion Raymond Goodwin, 34, in a loft having a place with one of the men. The two casualties knew Blakely and Ervin.
After the killings, the two went to a bar in Atlanta’s Buckhead area, where they met 29-year-old Lemetrius Twitty. With the commitment of s*x, the two ladies attracted him back to his loft, where they looted and killed him. As per official reports, despite the fact that Twitty was killed just hours after the fact, his authority demise was on August 16.
The two ladies were captured seven days after the fact at a coffee shop considered Mrs Champ’s. They were apparently going to burglarize the spot, yet the proprietor became dubious and called the police. At the point when police showed up, Blakely and Ervin were in the washroom. The police additionally found that they were driving one of the casualties’ vehicles. After their capture, they allegedly confessed to the homicides.
Ameshia Ervin acknowledged a request bargain in which she consented to affirm against Falicia Blakely in return for successive life sentences and qualification for parole in 14 years. In the interim, Blakely was given three back to back life sentences without the chance of parole. Examiners at first looked for capital punishment, yet agreed to life in jail.