• | To strike beat, or press forcibly with the bottom of the foot, or by thrusting the foot downward. |
• | To bring down (the foot) forcibly on the ground or floor; as, he stamped his foot with rage. |
• | To crush; to pulverize; specifically (Metal.), to crush by the blow of a heavy stamp, as ore in a mill. |
• | To impress with some mark or figure; as, to stamp a plate with arms or initials. |
• | Fig.: To impress; to imprint; to fix deeply; as, to stamp virtuous principles on the heart. |
• | To cut out, bend, or indent, as paper, sheet metal, etc., into various forms, by a blow or suddenly applied pressure with a stamp or die, etc.; to mint; to coin. |
• | To put a stamp on, as for postage; as, to stamp a letter; to stamp a legal document. |
• | To strike; to beat; to crush. |
• | To strike the foot forcibly downward. |
• | The act of stamping, as with the foot. |
• | The which stamps; any instrument for making impressions on other bodies, as a die. |
• | The mark made by stamping; a mark imprinted; an impression. |
• | that which is marked; a thing stamped. |
• | A picture cut in wood or metal, or made by impression; a cut; a plate. |
• | An offical mark set upon things chargeable with a duty or tax to government, as evidence that the duty or tax is paid; as, the stamp on a bill of exchange. |
• | Hence, a stamped or printed device, issued by the government at a fixed price, and required by law to be affixed to, or stamped on, certain papers, as evidence that the government dues are paid; as, a postage stamp; a receipt stamp, etc. |
• | An instrument for cutting out, or shaping, materials, as paper, leather, etc., by a downward pressure. |
• | A character or reputation, good or bad, fixed on anything as if by an imprinted mark; current value; authority; as, these persons have the stamp of dishonesty; the Scriptures bear the stamp of a divine origin. |
• | Make; cast; form; character; as, a man of the same stamp, or of a different stamp. |
• | A kind of heavy hammer, or pestle, raised by water or steam power, for beating ores to powder; anything like a pestle, used for pounding or bathing. |
• | A half-penny. |
• | Money, esp. paper money. |