~The Story of Animal~
'Here we go again!
I kinda wanna be more than friends
So take it easy on me
I'm afraid you're never satisfied'
Again! Like every day, every waking moment it seemed, they were arguing. He could no longer remember why though because after a second he got lost at the way she seemed to grow more beautiful every day. He wanted more than to be friends, or whatever they were from their constant arguments, but he somehow knew she probably didn't feel the same.
She screamed something at him and he winced from her sudden explosion. 'This is funny,' he thought, 'no matter what I do. No matter how hard I try, she just doesn't seem to appreciate anything.' He sighed deeply and she stopped.
"What? Are you bored already?"
'Here we go again!
We're sick like animals
We play pretend.
You're just a cannibal.
And I'm afraid I won't get out alive!
Oh I won't sleep tonight!'
He looked into her angered eyes and held her gaze. "I guess I'm just fed up with these constant arguments. Don't you ever get tired of them?"
She gave a steely glare before dropping all her anger, "I do." He perked up, she had agreed with him. She let out a breath, "I don't even know what we're fighting about."
He curled one side of his lip up, "So why don't we stop fighting like a bunch of primeval animals."
She pulled her hood down which had currently been up till now, "I'd like that."
He broke out into a huge smile then and draped his arm across her shoulders, "Great, I'm glad we've come to an understanding here."
'Oh oh!
I want some more
Oh Oh!
What are you waiting for!
Take a bite of my heart tonight!'
He felt his cheek burn as he realized what he just done. He flew off of her and cowered in a corner waiting for her to chuck something at him. But nothing came. He looked up and saw her grinning at his cowardice and he swore he felt his heart stop at her grin.
Her smiles were gorgeous because you rarely ever saw them. He looked away so his heart could get back on track. "You might as well just have my heart."
She quirked an eyebrow, "What?"
His eyes widened, "Did I say that aloud?" She nodded, "Oh well, what I said was... Um... Cyborg... um... took my food?"
She giggled lightly, "Sure."
'Here we are again!
I feel the chemicals kicking in!
It's getting heavy and I wanna run and hide!
Wanna run and hide!'
He could only stare at her as she laughed at him. He had to use all his will not to go up to her, sweep her in his arms, and kiss her. It was like she was some drug that never ceased to amaze him.
He realized he must of been staring too long because a grey hand had to snap him back into reality, "Hey, doofus. You in there?"
He blushed and felt like running so he didn't have to deal with the torture of being this close to her and not being able to do anything.
'I do it every time!
You're killing me now!
And I'll be denied by you!
The animal inside of you!'
He mentally slapped himself as he stood up finally remembering he was on the floor. She looked up at him and walked closer to his body where he could feel her heat bounce off of him. He didn't know what to do. It was as if she wanted his heart to stop so he could die.
His heart beat faster instead of stopping this time as she reached up with her hand to his chest. He grabbed her hand lacing his fingers in between her own.
'Hush hush the world is quiet
Hush hush we both can't fight it
It's us that's made this mess
Why can't you understand
Oh I won't sleep tonight!
She looked down at their hands as he finally noticed how quiet it was in the tower. How quiet it was outside. He couldn't stand it anymore. He knew now was the time to make something of this mess that she had created for him. 'Who knows,' he thought, 'maybe she's thinking the same thing.'
With his other hand he lifted her chin up to him where he could see that her eyes seemed to be in a daze. He savored that look as he began to lean down to her slightly parted lips. He stopped just a few centimeters away where he could feel her warm steady breath against his lips.
He then leaned in the rest of the way pressing his lips against hers in a long awaited kiss. Everything around him disappeared and it was just him and her. He felt her giving into the kiss as well and this caused his head to buzz with pleasure.
He reluctantly broke the kiss slowly pulling his head away while he watched her reaction. She finally slid her eyes open to gaze at him while a faint smile toyed at her mouth. No words were said but they weren't really needed. They knew what the other thought from their eyes and he couldn’t help but replay the kiss over in his head.
In his mind he chuckled, 'If I can't stop thinking about this, I'll never get any sleep.' They both looked out the window at the night sky feeling very, very content.
'Take a bite of my heart tonight'