Kim Kardashian shows butt X-ray on Letterman thats where all the fat goes

June 2024 · 3 minute read

Remember when Kim Kardashian had her ass x-rayed as “proof” that she didn’t have implants? As many of you pointed out, there’s a procedure called a “Brazilian butt lift” whereby fat is injected into the ass to make it larger, rounder and perkier. In that case, the cheeks are really filled with fat and nothing would show up on an x-ray. There’s some minor evidence that Kim has had this surgical intervention, (see the older photos on this story) but since she did it before she made the scene it’s not as glaring as the differences in her face. Anyway the Kardashian girls were on Letterman last night, and Kim dragged out that old x-ray to have something to talk about. That x-ray news came out in late June, over two months ago, but somehow it’s still relevant and is the best these twits can do to promote their products:

Is that painful to have your butt x-rayed
No, you just kind of lay there?

Like my honeymoon. A couple of years ago we caught an intern on the copier. Is it like that?
Kim: Just like that.

[Shows X-Ray]
Khloe: That’s just fat. [Kim gives her the side eye] That’s where all of her fat goes, just to her ass, that’s it. It doesn’t go anywhere else, it just sits and goes right there.

[To Kim] Is she right about that?
Kim: No.

Khloe: It’s so frustrating. All she does is eat junk food and all it does is go to her booty. Nowhere else.

Kim: No, I have to work out. Like NY kills me. I’m here for a couple of weeks and it just kills me. Those nuts on the street corner. [I] put on an extra ten pounds like every time.

I guess there are plenty of people in the world, those that pay attention to more important news, that haven’t yet seen the glory that is Kim Kardashian’s ass in see-through. For those of us that pay attention to the gossip, though, it’s just another reminder of how tired and repetitive they’ve gotten. That’s ripe that Kim is blaming homeless people for her weight gain.

On another note, their outfits, all from their new collection for Sears, were ridiculously ugly. Kourtney had on sparkly sequin high waisted pants from their new Sears collection and her outfit was the best of all three. (Which truly isn’t saying much.)

I watched the rest of the interview to make sure I wasn’t missing anything even remotely interesting or quotable, and I wasn’t. Khloe was funny at certain moments, though. (It starts at 20 minutes in on this video.) My favorite line was from Dave before they came on. He said “I have no idea what they do on that show. [The Kardashians] To make it worse I’ve appeared on that show.” You know, I’ve never seen a full episode either. I’ve just seen clips and part of one of those Take NY shows. It seems to be on E! constantly, though. They need to find better filler.

Dave also said he thought he knew all the Kardashians, but then they got a “new one” for Dancing With The Stars. “Where the hell did that Kardashian come from, for God’s sake? We only have three with us, but I bet there’s plenty more back at the hotel.” When Dave said goodbye to them, he called Kourtney “Khloe” by mistake.





