The potential Fortnite x Bleach collaboration has received much attention over the past few weeks. Many Fortnite Battle Royale players hope Epic Games will collaborate with the popular anime. Several leaks have also circulated online lately, which is why many think the collaboration has been confirmed. However, this is not the case.
Shortly after Chapter 4 Season 3 came out, several Twitter accounts posted leaks regarding a potential Fortnite x Bleach collaboration. Most of these have come from anime fans and not from reputable leakers and data miners. The popular anime has been mentioned in Epic Games in several surveys. However, there are no accurate leaks regarding the collaboration, nor is there any official info. Based on this, we think the collab is not happening.
There are no reputable leaks regarding the Fortnite x Bleach collab
Epic Games periodically releases Fortnite surveys, asking players for feedback regarding upcoming collaborations. Many different characters, TV shows, and games have been shown in these surveys, including Bleach.
However, it doesn't seem that many Fortnite Battle Royale players have selected the anime as their choice, which is why Epic hasn't released it yet. Despite this, one tweet regarding the Fortnite x Bleach collab has gone viral and excited players.
The tweet posted by Twitter user ichigod22 is pure speculation. Reputed Fortnite leakers have not revealed anything regarding the collaboration, and neither has Epic Games.
Despite this, the tweet has received over half a million views in less than two days, and many players believe the collab is coming to the video game. The tweet has been reposted many times, yet the original poster said nothing regarding their sources.
As of June 11, 2023, Epic Games has not revealed anything regarding the Fortnite x Bleach collab. However, it's important to note that the collaboration may arrive at some point.
Epic has collaborated with many companies in the past, and considering that many popular anime characters have already come to Fortnite, collaborating with Bleach makes a lot of sense. Unfortunately, the recent viral tweet is not based on legitimate info.
At the moment, it appears that the Fortnite x Doctor Who collab is the only confirmed collab that will be released this year. Furthermore, Epic Games will also collaborate with Lego, although this partnership may only result in a new Creative mode map.
The Battle Bus is heading into Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 soon! Check out the final Fortnite item shop today!
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